Frequently Asked Questions
• Colour & Mono photocopying - any size up to A4 and A3
• Printing up to A1 size
• Raffle Tickets
•Rubber Stamps
• Laminating
• Scanning service
• Advert setting as digital files - We can design and supply your adverts to any size required.
• Paper and Envelopes - we have a large stock available for you to choose from, with paper in various colours and weight.
You may find the following tips helpful:
Include all elements separately – avoid embedding graphics. Delete unused elements (e.g. images or text on the pasteboard).
Ensure we have all fonts used in a document, including any used in imported elements (logos, etc.).
Ensure every file has a unique name.
Colour or greyscale scans produce optimal quality at about 300ppi resolution for use at 100% scale. Full colour pictures are best supplied as CMYK mode (not RGB). Black and white continuous tone images should be saved as greyscales. The preferred formats for graphic files are TIFF and EPS.
Build in bleeds where necessary (3mm at least is recommended).
Document pages should preferably be supplied in running order and on actual page sizes (i.e. not within oversized pages with trim marks.) We prefer not to have printer’s pairs supplied as this can lead to extra work.
There is no need to impose pages – we use special imposition software to do this. Jobs supplied imposed will usually have to be broken up into separate pages, and this is time consuming.
Generally speaking, we are capable of handling the latest standard artworking applications (QuarkXPress, InDesign, Photoshop) but it is worth checking if you are using a new release.
Work generated on PCs, as opposed to Macs (such as Publisher) can usually be processed without any great problems; however, it is essential to provide hard copy so that fonts can be checked as variations can occur from machine to machine. The same is true for programs not designed for press output (e.g. Word, Powerpoint). We will happily accept press-ready PDF files but again, we require a hard copy to compare with.
You may find the following tips helpful:
Include all elements separately – avoid embedding graphics. Delete unused elements (e.g. images or text on the pasteboard).
Ensure we have all fonts used in a document, including any used in imported elements (logos, etc.).
Ensure every file has a unique name.
Colour or greyscale scans produce optimal quality at about 300ppi resolution for use at 100% scale. Full colour pictures are best supplied as CMYK mode (not RGB). Black and white continuous tone images should be saved as greyscales. The preferred formats for graphic files are TIFF and EPS.
Build in bleeds where necessary (3mm at least is recommended).
Document pages should preferably be supplied in running order and on actual page sizes (i.e. not within oversized pages with trim marks.) We prefer not to have printer’s pairs supplied as this can lead to extra work.
There is no need to impose pages – we use special imposition software to do this. Jobs supplied imposed will usually have to be broken up into separate pages, and this is time consuming.
2. Packaging Checklist
When sending artwork please indicate layout software used , including version. Please Include (whenever possible):
Hard copy (preferably in colour; alternatively B&W). (If the printout is scaled, please mark this up.)
Please Ensure:
Discs are clearly labelled with the job name and place of origin.
Any special instructions are communicated to us and written down on the hard copy or elsewhere.
Images to be scanned are safely packaged and accompanied by instructions.
You retain a backup copy of the files.